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Baseni Puppy

- [20.3. 2025]
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Baseni Puppy - 1
At Fast Fox Basenji Kennel
Location: Bielsko-Biała, Poland

On December 6, 2024, 5 puppies from the \"H\" litter were born. 2 boys (one tricolor and one red and white) and 3 girls (all red and white). Only last girl are available.

Her name is Happy and she is a very lively puppy. She is everywhere, she has to see everything and be the first. She has a charming look and a cute white marking in the middle of her forehead. She will fit perfectly into an active lifestyle.

The price for a puppy is 1500 euros

Each puppy leaving our breeding has:
-> 12 weeks of age
-> FCI export pedigree
-> EU passport
-> microchipped
-> health booklet
-> full set of vaccinations
-> contract and good conditions
-> layette
-> possibility of transport

Our guarantees:
-> Professional approach to breeding and thoughtful selection of parents in terms of character and dogs always in very good condition, health tested including DNA tests (PRA (progressive retinal atrophy), FS (Fanconi syndrome), PK (pyruvate kinase deficiency)) and this excludes health problems in the future.
-> Healthy puppies, immunologically prepared to change homes (issued older than the minimum required age) - They will be vaccinated against dog diseases three times, once against rabies, dewormed three times (all according to age).
-> Proper socialization from the first days of life ensures proper development and a good start in a new home.
-> Puppies growing up in a house with a garden and in the company of small children - taught the rules and boundaries, maintaining cleanliness and trained to relieve themselves outside and familiar with a collar and leash.
-> Extensive knowledge and many years of experience - we offer support to the guardians of our puppies at every stage.

Since 2017, I have been breeding Basenji Fast Fox FCI pedigree dogs. First of all, it is a breeding conducted with love. Our animals are members of the family, whom I surround with the appropriate warmth and respect. I have a large herd of balanced Basenjis, thanks to which puppies very quickly learn good rules from their dog family. I place great emphasis on the proper socialization of puppies in the breeding, so that the puppies received cause as few problems as possible in new homes, despite their specific age and breed.

I am looking for the best owners who know that a dog is not only responsible, but also a member of the family. People who are aware of the requirements for the dog breed and are ready to have a Basenji at home can contact me.
Interested parties are welcome to contact me via private message or by phone/WhatsApp (+48 789 335 940)





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