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Black broodmare by Morricone of Grand Prix dam line

- [5.9. 2024]
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Gorgeous black Oldenburger broodmare by Morricone/Jazzman appr. 177 cm (famous Waldhexe dam line), out of Grand Prix and premium dam.
Her dam, granddam and great-granddam are all elite mares.
Brother the the mare is winner qualification german horse championship by the 6 years old dressage horse and now more as 40 times winner or high placed in PSG and Inter I.
Brother to her dam is licensed breeding stallion and international successful in Grand Prix. Sister to her dam is Grand Prix/Olympia mare in Australia
Other sister was qualificated for the german horse championship by the 5 years old dressage horse and now successful in young horse S dressage.
Here a horsetelx link were you can find her dam and some of the sisters and brothers to her
Her granddam is stallion mother, winner of the championship in Oldenburg and placed high as a finalist in the German Horse Championship.
Her great-grand dam is a 3 times stallion mother and all her foals successfully competed at the highest dressage levels.
She has had already had two amazing black filles in 2022 and 2023 by Fair Deal .
The mare was light broken and has shown great rideability and quality. Not riden since her first insamination.
Video youtube
PK 10.000 -20.000 Euro
Located in East Germany by Quadriga Dressurpferde




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